Present Simple

Present Simple

It is formed using the base form of the verb ("infinitive"), except for the third person – He, She, It - where "s" or "es" is usually added to the verb.

The present simple is used to describe actions that happen repeatedly and general truths or things that are always true.

For example:

I walk to work every day (routine)

She eats breakfast at 7am (routine)

The sun rises in the east (general truth)

Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius (general truth)


In negative sentences, the verb "don't" is used, and in third person, the verb "doesn’t" is used.


I don't eat fish

She doesn’t smoke

He doesn’t speak Spanish

They don’t play tennis on the weekends


In questions, the "do" or "does" is used on third person, it is placed before the subject


Does she like coffee? (question)

Does he watch TV in the morning? (question)

Do they know how to speak English?

Do I work out often?